When I wrote my first novel A Recipe from Rome, I was, in a word: clueless.
I originally set out to write a memoir after experiencing an incredible trip to Rome with an old friend. (You can read more about the trip here.) One huge hurdle popped up in front of me with my memoir plan:
Memoirs - good ones - are incredibly personal, and I am incredibly private.
So, after writing several drafts of a memoir, all from different angles, and all with a beautiful Italian backdrop, that crucial memoir-y element was missing, and I finally hired an editor to help. It just wasn't working for me.
My editor suggested rewriting my manuscript as a novel.
Hold up.
Rewrite my manuscript? Again? In an entirely different genre?
Deep down, I knew she was right. But writing fiction was something totally new for me. How do you craft a story from scratch? I essentially had to write a brand new rough draft. Again.
Fast forward four-and-a-half years later, and my book - which I'm super proud of, by the way - was published. And along the way, I learned some tips that are helping me fast-track my drafting process for my next book.
I want to share what I've learned with my fellow writers. Because writing - especially writing a book - is Hard with a capital H.
That's why this year I will help you get from Chapter One to Done with this brand new podcast series! Each episode will be bite-sized, but chock full of useful information that will help you on your writing journey.
The first episode will focus on the first step of the writing process: how to complete the rough draft. Listen below, and happy writing!
EPISODE ONE: Four Steps to Finish Your Rough Draft
Make sure to subscribe to this blog so you don't miss future episodes! Or you can sign up for my free monthly newsletter which will also include the episodes.
Do you have a suggestion for writing a rough draft? Is there a particular part of the writing process that you'd like some help with? Share with us in the comments!
If you're still struggling with your manuscript, I offer services for authors including:
manuscript critiques
audiobook narration & production
Send me an email, and let's see how I can help you on your writing journey!
The universe keeps sending me signs about the importance of outlines. My first ever WIP first draft was a big old mess, the more I revise, the more I research how to write and the craft of it, the more excited I am for future first drafts. Thank you!