Emerging author Laura Botten talks with Triptastic Podcast host Tia Johnson about her time in Rome, which inspired her debut novel A Recipe from Rome.
Listen below as they chat about:
How a week in Rome between two old friends inspired Laura's debut novel...
The best books to read that take place in Italy...
The most underrated places in Rome...
Why getting lost on vacation is encouraged! Especially when--OMG-- your phone doesn't work!
Recipes and Italian food...
How to deal with big tourism crowds...
Go-to souvenirs...
What Laura couldn't take home from the winery... it wasn't wine!
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Laura Botten is releasing her debut novel A Recipe from Rome in the summer of 2023. Sign up for her monthly newsletter for book updates, book reviews, recipes, and fun Italy content. As a thank you, she'll send "A Taste of Italy" straight to your inbox instantly!